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Did the person Eugene Fürst (the editor) use the accent grave in his by-lines etc.? On the description page you may wish to write the name of the person as "Eugene Fürst" (even though the rose is 'Eugène Fürst').
#1 of 1 posted
today by
Lee H.
Or possibly just “Eugen”.
Hi, I'm having trouble accessing the patent information. I recently (re)upgraded to member. Maybe I goofed something up? Thanks! Janet
A very vigorous floribunda in warmer climates, could grow up to 1.7m in autumn in its 2nd year.
As far as I can tell, that the parent was ‘Géant des Batailles’ has been from the beginning a widely-held assumption by fanciers rather than a stated fact from Trouillard or some other authoritative person. Standish, in his ads introducing it, does not make the claim.